Minggu, 28 September 2008

Honey for Chronic Sinusitis

The study is being presented at the 2008 American Academy of Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery annual meeting in Chicago. Researchers, led by Tala Alandejani, MD, at the University of Ottawa.
Since centutries, we know that honey is equiped with the ability to heal. We know that mainly sugar components and anti-oxidant (chrysin, pinobanksin, vitamin C, catalase, and pinocembrin)has composed honey as a powerful medicine. The research just said the same thing.
Maybe the most interesting discovery was that the honey worked significantly better than an antibiotic against two bacteria: MSSA (methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus) and MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). They are bacteries that cause chronic synusitis.
The article about this can be found here, and more about honey benefit is here.

Kamis, 25 September 2008

Thinking can make us fat?

A small Canadian study has found that people eat more after an intellectual exercise than they do after just sitting quietly for the same amount of time and more or less same amount physical energy. Read it here at http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9502E7DF103DF935A2575AC0A96E9C8B63

The scientists had 14 female students engage in three 45-minute sessions before being invited to eat as much as they wanted at a buffet. For one session, they rested in a sitting position. In the next, they read a document and wrote a summary of it, and in the third they performed a series of computer-based tests.
Even though the same amount of physical energy was involved in all three sessions, the women consumed an average of more than 25 percent more calories after the intellectual exercises than after just sitting quietly. The study, published in the September issue of Psychosomatic Medicine, controlled for habitual diet, body mass, anxiety level and other factors.

Selasa, 23 September 2008

Not Only Cops, There are Good Fats and Bad Fats

You may have known this. If you haven't it is very good as a basic knowledge. Don't just judge that fats are bad. Or, don't want to eat that for the cholesterol

Fats come in two major types: bad and good. And each type has two subtypes. Bad fats are saturated and trans, which tend to be solid at room temperature (think of butter and lard), and good fats are mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated, which tend to be liquid at room temperature (think of vegetable oils).

One thing that all fats have in common is the number of calories they produce inside your body; namely, nine per gram of fat eaten. To put that into context, a gram of protein equates to four calories and a gram of carbohydrate is also four. That is the sum total of everything you need to know about calories: fats = 9, protein = 4 and carbohydrate = 4 (calories per gram eaten). But please note well that every gram of fat provides more than twice the number of calories as does either protein or carbohydrate. So as an aside, you can readily see that cutting back fat is more beneficial on a gram per gram basis than cutting back other foods.

complete Dr Z medical report is here

You can also know that fats are healthy if you know the tips.

Jumat, 19 September 2008

Tips for Healthy Life: Alchemists' poison for depression healing

Tips for Healthy Life: Alchemists' poison for depression healing

We won't surrender to Alzheimer

Alzheimer is one of incure desease. I don't know if someday science can achieve the medication. In the land we just can wait.But we surely can avoid, prevent and keep it far far away if we know the tips.
First, research has been proved that curcumin is very good to your brain. Do you know why alzheimer is uncommon in India?
Second, exercise. 20 minutes of exercise each day can improve your memory, the researcher says. Exercise is one common way to help our self against alzheimer. Human can easily surrender to alzheimer. But we won't invite it friendly. Good healthy living, it can longer our life happily.

Selasa, 16 September 2008

Man with obesity have abnormal sperm

The news come from REUTER. It becomes getting more and more important to go on diet.

The newest low-tech fertility treatment may be a diet, researchers said after learning that obese men have more abnormal sperm and make less semen.
Their findings, presented at a meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Barcelona, Spain, add to recent research showing that obese women are more likely to be infertile.
"We felt that it was possible that male overweight might contribute to fertility problems, particularly since it is a known risk factor for problems in conceiving among women," said Dr Ghiyath Shayeb of the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.
Their study of 2,037 men attending Aberdeen Fertility Centre showed that men with a normal body mass index, meaning they were neither overweight nor underweight, produced higher levels of normal sperm and more semen than those in the other groups.
"Other studies have suggested an association between male obesity and increased DNA damage in the sperm, which can be associated with reduced fertility as well," Dr Shayeb said in a statement.
"Our findings were quite independent of any other factors and seem to suggest that men who are trying for a baby with their partners should first try to achieve an ideal body weight," he added.
He said his team will now compare conception rates between obese and normal men to see if the poorer semen quality correlates with reduced fertility.
"The mechanism for the relationship could be a number of things - different hormone levels in obese men, simple overheating of the testicles caused by excessive fat in the area, or that the lifestyle and diet that leads to obesity could also lead to poorer semen quality," Dr Shayeb said.
"We just don't know the answer yet, but this is an important question that needs urgent attention."
- Reuters

Senin, 15 September 2008

Junk food, Bad to Our Health, Good to Supress Stress

With the rapid increasing of human wealth, the explore of taste will not stop at good food. It also reach the land of no-good food, which is later named junk food to encourage people to stay away.

Junk food is food that is unhealthy and/or has little or no nutritional value. The term is believed to have been coined by Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, in 1972.[1] The term has since come into common usage.
Junk food contains high levels of refined sugar, white flour, trans fat and saturated fat, salt, and numerous food additives such as monosodium glutamate and tartrazine; at the same time, it is lacking in proteins, vitamins and fiber, among other healthy attributes. It is popular with suppliers because it is relatively cheap to manufacture, has a long shelf life and may not require refrigeration. It is popular with consumers because it is easy to purchase, requires little or no preparation, is convenient to consume and has lots of flavor. Consumption of junk food has been associated with obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and dental cavities. There is also concern about the targeting of marketing to children.

We have to fight them. We hope our government will consistently urge the junk food stores to educate people about nutritional contents related to our health.

What may surprised you is, that junk food is reducing stress, according to new research in Australia. www.abc.net.au

The research find that eating foods high in fat and sugar reduces anxiety levels, although while it might make you feel calmer, that does not mean it is good for you.

Sabtu, 13 September 2008

Walking and stress

Sometimes when I am in pressure, I take a walk a while. If I am not supposed to leave the door, I will make it in circle, like Donald Duck's uncle. Why walking is powerful?

Stress is the body's physical, mental, and chemical reaction to circumstances that frighten, excite, confuse, endanger, or irritate us. We can't go through life without encountering stress.

The symptoms of stress include anxiety, irritability, general tension, and sleeplessness. When we are stressed out, the muscles around our mouth and temples tighten. Our neck muscles tighten, too.

Aerobic exercise of any kind has the power to calm our nerves and reduce stress. Walking is no exception.

Why is walking such a powerful stress reducer?

Walking can trigger the release of endorphins, potent brain chemicals that relieve pain and stimulate relaxation. The higher your level of endorphins, the greater your sense of calm and well-being.

Rhythm is another reason walking reduces stress. Swinging arms in opposition to legs starts a rhythm. It also exercises the right-left brain connection.

You don't need to push yourself to walk really hard to reduce stress. One study shows that a comfortable stroll can be just as effective as a brisk walk. The key is to use your mind while you're moving your body.

If you go to a wooded area or a green, open area--away from noise--you can feel your stress levels decrease almost immediately.

Original story.

Sabtu, 06 September 2008

Start your day optimistically

Many of us have bad habit to make bad feeling in the morning.
Come on, get up! Don't make your full day terrible just because wrong starting. Today is beautiful, more than the day before. Tons of problems, may be. But, we are one day wiser than yesterday, one month wiser than last month.
Make a morning stretching, praying and affirmation, "I am awesome!"


Kamis, 04 September 2008

What is the definition of health?

There is no acclamation, actually.
First according to WHO

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

But, Rudolfo Saracci,director of research in epidemiology at National Research Council, Pisa, Italy wrote:

The World Health Organisation's definition of health seems to work against its effective functioning. When the WHO was established nearly half a century ago the text of its constitution defined health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
This by now classical definition of health, conceived in the aftermath of the second world war, when peace and health were seen as inseparable,had one merit lasting long beyond the circumstances of origin: it made explicit that disease and infirmity, when isolated from subjective experience, are inadequate to qualify health. Widening health to the psychological and the social dimension was a major advance, but although it was conceptually important, it had no direct operational value. As one commentator put it, "This [definition] is a fine and inspiring concept and its pursuit guarantees health professionals unlimited opportunities for work in the future, but is not of much practical use.